E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 63 (1983)
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Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Article: Données nouvelles sur la schuilingite de Shinkolobwe (Shaba, Zaïre), carbonate hydraté de plomb, cuivre et de terres rares 1
Download as PDF Article: Equilibrium fugacities of the Cu2O-CuO and Cu-Cu2O buffers 7
Download as PDF Article: Identification des micas des séries sedimentaires par diffraction X à partir de la série harmonique (001) des préparations orientées 13
Download as PDF Article: Alpine metamorphism of calcareous rocks along a cross-section in the Central Alps : occurence and breakdown of muscovite, margarite and paragonite 37
Download as PDF Article: Cretaceous metamorphism of metacarbonates in the austroalpine Schneeberg complex, Tirol 95
Download as PDF Article: Major oxides geochemistry of the Upper Cretaceous extrusive ophiolite unit of Western Anatolia (Turkey) 115
Download as PDF Article: Conséquences géotectoniques de l'étude des roches vertes à l'est de Marmaris (SW Anatolie) 129
Download as PDF Article: Le gisement de pyrite-hématite de Valle Giove (Rio Marina, Ile d'Elbe, Italie) : (Contribution à la connaissance des gisements de Toscane - I), Partie 1 149
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Cahier 2-3 _
Download as PDF Article: Electron microscopical investigation of oriented magnetite and amphibole in black star diopside 167
Download as PDF Article: Mikroskopische kristallographische Verwachsungen von Oligoklas mit Andesin 177
Download as PDF Article: Kristalloptik und Zusammensetzung von Bytownit-Drillingen und -Vierlingen, sowie Verwachsungen von Bytownit mit Andesin in Kalksilikatfels von Bagni Masino (Prov. Sondrio, Italien) 181
Download as PDF Article: Inconsistent chemical data on phlogopite : analyses and genesis of phlogopites from Madagascar 187
Download as PDF Article: Etude minéralogique d'une cheminée inactive de la dorsale Est-Pacifique 21° Nord 203
Download as PDF Article: Deformation und Metamorphose der Adula-Decke südwestlich San Bernardino 215
Download as PDF Article: Zur Geochemie und Entstehungsgeschichte der Granat-Amphibolite des Gambarognogebietes, Ticino, Südalpen 233
Download as PDF Article: The triassic volcanic rocks of Tyros, Zarouhla, Kalamae, and Epidavros, Peloponnese, Greece 249
Download as PDF Article: Stratigraphy, structure, petrology and local tectonics, Central Ladakh, NW Himalaya 267
Download as PDF Article: Petrography and age determinations of the alkaline volcanic rocks and carbonatite of Kizilcaören district; Beylikahir-Eskisehir, Turkey 289
Download as PDF Article: K/Ar ages of micas from precambrian and phanerozoic rocks in the northeastern part of the Republic of Korea 295
Download as PDF Article: Le gisement de pyrite-hématite de Valle Giove (Rio Marina, Ile d'Elbe, Italie) : (Contribution à la connaissance des gisements de Toscane -I), Partie 2 301
Download as PDF Article: Errata : Deformation und Metamorphose in der nördlichen Maggia-Zone (Schweiz. Mineral. und Petrogr. Mitt. 62, 47-76) 329
Download as PDF Article: The age of the continental crust of Central, Southern and Western Europe - arguments from geochemistry and isotope geology 339
Download as PDF Article: Lead isotopes of palaeozoic, strata-bound to stratiform galena bearing sulfide depostis of the Eastern Alps (Austria); implications for their geotectonic setting 347
Download as PDF Article: The Ivrea and Strona-Ceneri zones (Southern Alps, Ticino and N-Italy) - a review 361
Download as PDF Article: Cadre évolutif des événements magmatico-métamorphiques du socle anté-triasique dans le domaine pennique (Valais) : données récentes, synthèse chronologique et suggestions de recherches ultérieures 393
Download as PDF Article: Die Metapelite von Emosson (Aiguilles-Rouges-Massiv) als Beispiel spätkaledonisch-frühvariszischer Metamorphose im Altkristallin des helvetischen Bereichs 421
Download as PDF Article: Petrographische und geochemische Untersuchungen im Gebiet La Tscheppa-Lagrev (Julier-Bernina-Decke) 457
Download as PDF Article: Les éclogites et le complexe gabbroïque du val Sarsura (Silvretta) 479
Download as PDF Informations des associations: International Mineralogical Association (IMA) : fourteenth general meeting, July 1986 497
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