E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 83 (2003)
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Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Article: Metamorphic evolution and significance of a serpentinized peridotite slice within the Eclogitic Micaschist Complex of the Sesia-Zone (Western Alps - Italy) 3
Download as PDF Article: Very low-grade metamorphism in the Tuscan Nappe, Northern Apennines, Italy : relationships between deformation and metamorphic indicators in the La Spezia mega-fold 15
Download as PDF Article: Infrared spectra of annite in the interlayer and lattice vibrational range 33
Download as PDF Article: Ti-bearing andradite-prehnite-epidote assemblage from the Malá Fatra granodiorite and tonalite (Western Carpathians) 47
Download as PDF Article: Petrography, age and geochemistry of the buried "Venice Granodiorite" (Northern Italy) 57
Download as PDF Article: Textural and chemical changes in slate-forming phyllosilicates across the external-internal zones transition in the low-grade metamorphic belt of the NW Iberian Variscan Chain 63
Download as PDF Article: Petrology and geochemistry of the Late Jurassic calc-alkaline series associated to Middle Jurassic ophiolites in the South Apuseni Mountains (Romania) 81
Download as PDF Article: The behaviour of trace elements in high-P mineral assemblages: a LA-ICP-MS study of mafic rocks from the Nevado-Filábride complex (SE Spain) 97
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Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Article: Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Frontal Penninic units of the Western Alps : correlation between low-grade metamorphism and tectonic phases 111
Download as PDF Article: Pre-metamorphic δ18O signatures in morphologically complex zircons from the Qinglongshan UHP meta-granite (Sulu terrain, China) 133
Download as PDF Article: Primary and secondary pseudobrookite minerals in volcanic rocks from the Katzenbuckel Alkaline Complex, southwestern Germany 145
Download as PDF Article: Geochronological constraints for the time of metamorphism in the Gruf Complex (Central Alps) and implications for the Adula-Cima Lunga nappe system 159
Download as PDF Article: Direct observations of a double phase transition during the low to high transformation in quartz single crystals to 700°C and 0.6 GPa 173
Download as PDF Article: The Ordovician orogeny in the Alpine basement : constraints from geochronology and geochemistry in the Aar Massif (Central Alps) 183
Download as PDF Article: A revised CIPW norm 197
Download as PDF Article: Geochemistry of metabasalts from ophiolitic and adjacent distal continental margin units : Evidence from the Monte Rosa region (Swiss and Italian Alps) 217
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Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Article: Formation of armenite in the Berisal Complex, Simplon Region, Switzerland 243
Download as PDF Article: Sulphides and sulpharsenides in the emerald-hosting rocks from the Indus suture zone in Swat, NW Pakistan 261
Download as PDF Article: Strontium isotope systematics in two glaciated crystalline catchments : Rhone and Oberaar Glaciers (Swiss Alps) 273
Download as PDF Article: Mesozoic ophiolite relics in the Southern Steep Belt of the Central Alps 285
Download as PDF Article: Leucogranite genesis connected with low-pressure high-temperature metamorphism in the Sila basement (Calabria, Italy) 301
Download as PDF Article: Chronological constraints of late- and post-orogenic emplacement of lamprophyre dykes in the southeastern Bohemian Massif, Austria 317
Download as PDF Article: Infrared spectra of annite in the OH-stretching vibrational range 331
Download as PDF Article: Comment to "Chloritoid composition and formation in the eastern Central Alps : a comparison between Penninic and Helvetic occurrences" by M. Rahn, M. Steinmann and M. Frey 341
Download as PDF Article: Chloritoid in the Penninic Tomül nappe : HP or LP formation? : a reply to a comment by R. Oberhänsli, R. Bousquet and B. Goffé 345
Download as PDF Article: Comment on "Evaluation of X-ray diffraction methods for determining the crystal growth mechanisms of clay minerals in mudstones, shales and slates," by L. N. Warr and D. R. Peacor 349
Download as PDF Article: Reply to the comment on "Evaluation of X-ray diffraction methods for determining the crystal-growth mechanisms of clay minerals in mudstones, shales and slates" by D.D. Eberl, J. Srodon and V.A. Drits 359
Download as PDF Index: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis 366
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Protokoll der administrativen Sitzung anlässlich der SSMP Jahrestagung 2003 in Basel 1