E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 26 (1939)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières III
Download as PDF Divers III
Download as PDF Publicité IV
Download as PDF Article: Vom Bau der Landesausstellung Zürich 1939 1
Download as PDF Article: Aufgaben der Gewerbeschule I und des Kunstgewerbemuseums Zürich 13
Download as PDF Article: Arbeitsbeschaffung für Künstler 14
Download as PDF Article: Die Entwicklung des Werkbundgedankes (Vortrag der Jubiläumstagung des SWB) 16
Download as PDF Concours 17
Download as PDF Rubrique: Doppelwohnhaus auf dem Bruderholz in Basel : Architekt H. Mühly, Basel 24
Download as PDF Article: Bau-Akustik : Historische und allgemeine Einführung 26
Download as PDF Publicité V
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender VI
Download as PDF Publicité VII
Download as PDF Concours VIII
Download as PDF Publicité IX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Plastik- und Wandmalereiwettbewerbe X
Download as PDF Publicité XI
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Methode des Kunst-Unterrichts an Schulen und Hochschulen (Entgegnung) XII
Download as PDF Publicité XIII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Gustav Gull achtzigjährig XIV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Weihnachtsverkauf Werkbund und Spindel, Zürich XIV
Download as PDF Publicité XV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XVI
Download as PDF Publicité XVI
Download as PDF Publicité XIX
Download as PDF Publicité XXI
Download as PDF Rubrique: Kalender XXII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Technische Mitteilungen XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIV
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières VII
Download as PDF Divers VII
Download as PDF Publicité VIII
Download as PDF Article: Die Bronzegruppen von Karl Geiser vor dem städtischen Gymnasium Bern 33
Download as PDF Article: Neue Basler Schulhäuser : Gottfried-Keller-Schulhaus ; Isaak-Iselin-Schulhaus ; Dreirosenrampe 45
Download as PDF Article: Dreirosenbrücke Basel : Architekt O.R. Salvisberg 51
Download as PDF Article: Neue Zürcher Schulhausbauten : Turn- und Schulgebäude Hofacker ; Kindergartengebäude Grütlistrasse ; Kindergartengebäude Rebhügel 55
Download as PDF Article: Die Entwicklung des Werkbundgedankens (Vortrag an der Jubliäumstagung des SWB) 61
Download as PDF Publicité IX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Concours XII
Download as PDF Publicité XIII
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Der erste "Bundesrat SWB"! XIV
Download as PDF Concours XIV
Download as PDF Divers XIV
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique lausannoise : activité en 1988 XIV
Download as PDF Publicité XV
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Publicité XIX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Basler Bauchronik XX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zürcher Kunstchronik XX
Download as PDF Publicité XXI
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture XXII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIII
Download as PDF Publicité XXV
Download as PDF Publicité XXVII
Download as PDF Publicité XXIX
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières VII
Download as PDF Divers VII
Download as PDF Publicité VIII
Download as PDF Article: Grafiker an der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 65
Download as PDF Rubrique: Evangelische Kirche Lyss (Kt. Bern) : Architekt H. Klauser 74
Download as PDF Rubrique: Renovation des Innenraumes der reformierten Kirche Aarburg (kt. Aargau) : Architekt H. Wullschleger 78
Download as PDF Rubrique: Temple réformé de La Sallaz-Vennes près Lausanne : architecte F. Gilliard 80
Download as PDF Rubrique: Eglise protestante de Villeret (Ct. Berne) : architecte Ch. Kleiber 82
Download as PDF Rubrique: Temple de Porrentruy (Ct. de Berne) : architecte Ch. Kleiber 84
Download as PDF Article: Zur Frage des reformierten Kirchenbaues : auf Grund des Entscheides der Berner Synode 85
Download as PDF Article: Zum Problem des protestant. Kirchenbaues 87
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Fischer, Theodor 89
Download as PDF Article: Johann Rudolf Byss : ein Schweizer Künstler als Mitbegründer eines lokalen Ornamentstils 93
Download as PDF Article: Der Maler Johann Melchior Wyrsch von Buochs, 1732 - 1798 96
Download as PDF Publicité IX
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungs-Kalender X
Download as PDF Publicité XI
Download as PDF Concours XII
Download as PDF Divers XII
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XII
Download as PDF Publicité XIII
Download as PDF Divers XIV
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Waser, Maria XIV
Download as PDF Publicité XV
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Taut, Bruno XVI
Download as PDF Publicité XVII
Download as PDF Rubrique: Basler Baubericht XVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürich : der Umbau des Wollenhos als "Heimethus" XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Baubericht XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Kunstchronik XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Das Bieler Kunstunglück XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Book review XXVIII
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Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXI
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Issue 4 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Schweizerische Landesausstellung : Seilschwebebahn über den Zürichsee 97
Download as PDF Article: Notizen zur Delacroix-Ausstellung in Zürich 100
Download as PDF Article: Die Bedeutung der Grünanlagen dargestellt am Beispiel der Stadt Basel 105
Download as PDF Article: Bauwerk, Siedlung und Landschaft 115
Download as PDF Article: "Bauen und Wohnen" an der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 121
Download as PDF Article: Anmerkungen zum "Wilhelm Tell" 124
Download as PDF Article: Bedenken zum "Schneewittchen"-Film 125
Download as PDF Competitions 126
Download as PDF Article: Der Umbau 127
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Competitions XII
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XIV
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Rubric: Hermann Haller in Bern XVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Kunstmuseum Winterthur : Karl Hofer XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XX
Download as PDF Rubric: Bündner Kunsthaus, Chur XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Book review XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Issue 5: Schweizerische Landesausstellung Zürich 1939 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerische Landesausstellung : das linke Ufer 129
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Competitions XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Schweizer Baukatalog XXVI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXVIII
Download as PDF Obituary: Hummel, Wilhelm XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Obituary: Bay, Margrit XXX
Download as PDF Article: Johannes Itten : "Aus meinem Unterricht" im KGM Zürich XXX
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Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Altstadtsanierung Bern XXXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIII
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Download as PDF Advertising XXXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Eine wertvolle Neuheit auf dem Gebiete der Oelheizung XXXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Messing - vernickelt? verchromt? XXXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVIII
Issue 6: Schweizerische Landesausstellung Zürich 1939 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Schweizerische Landesausstellung Zürich 1939 : rechtes Ufer 161
Download as PDF Article: Von den Küchen an der Landesausstellung IX
Download as PDF Advertising X
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XII
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Competitions XIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Heinrich Wölfflin zum 75. Geburtstag XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Rubric: Joseph Zemp zum siebzigsten Geburtstag XVI
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Association News: Der Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA zum "Fall Bernoulli" XVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Basler Baubericht XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXII
Download as PDF Article: Die Kunstschätze des Prado in Genf XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Die Kunstschau der Landesausstellung : Zeichnen - Malen - Formen I XXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Luzerner Kunstchronik XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Article: Die Werke des Museums Montpellier in der Berner Kunsthalle XXX
Download as PDF Book review XXX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XL
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Issue 7: Die Gärten der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Article: Die Gärten der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung, Zürich 1939 = les jardins de l'exposition nationale Suisse 193
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Competitions XVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Zum 60. Geburtstag von E. Richard Bühler : erster Vorsitzender des Schweiz. Werkbundes XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Association News: Generalversammlung des BSA XX
Download as PDF Rubric: Schweizer Kunstgewerbe 1914 - 1939 XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Die internationale Filmwoche in Basel XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Book review XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXXIV
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Download as PDF Advertising XXXVII
Issue 8: Malerei und Plastik an der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: Malerei und Plastik an der Landesausstellung 225
Download as PDF Rubric: Unsere Wohnungen in der LA IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XII
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Article: Urs Graf : der junge Mann mit der Sonnenuhr XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Italienische Kunstausstellungen im Jahre 1939 XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Winterthurer Kunstchronik XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Schaffhausen : Ausstellung Carl Roesch, Diessenhofen XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Bauchronik XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Book review XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilung XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Issue 9: Einzelheiten aus guten Pavillons der Schweizerischen Landeausstellung 1939 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: Aus einzelnen Abteilungen : détails d'aménagements de pavillons 257
Download as PDF Rubric: Die Haushaltküche an der LA IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender X
Download as PDF Advertising X
Download as PDF Competitions XII
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Association News: 32. Generalversammlung des BSA vom 16. und 17. Juni in Zürich XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB : Mitgliederaufnahmen XVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Basler Kunsthalle : August-Ausstellung XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Marionettentheater Asconeser Künstler XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: LA XX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Book review XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Article: Verwendung von Glasseide für Schall- und Wärmeschutz in Böden XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Issue 10: Innenräume und Mode an der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939 _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents III
Download as PDF Miscellaneous III
Download as PDF Advertising IV
Download as PDF Article: Innenräume = intérieurs 289
Download as PDF Advertising VI
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender VII
Download as PDF Competitions VIII
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Miscellaneous X
Download as PDF Article: Naturalismus und Fotografie XI
Download as PDF Advertising XI
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Professor Dr. Jedlicka XVIII
Download as PDF Association News: Weihnachtsausstellung des SWB im Kunstgewerbemuseum in Zürich XVIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVIII
Download as PDF Article: Die neue Fassade des Hauses "zum Ritter" in Schaffhausen XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: LA XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Book review XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Article: Der Schweizer Kachelofen an der Weltausstellung in New York XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Issue 11: Der Stil der Landesausstellung : abschliessende Besprechung und Kritik _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents III
Download as PDF Miscellaneous III
Download as PDF Advertising IV
Download as PDF Article: Die Architektur der Landesausstellung : kritische Besprechung 321
Download as PDF Article: Architektur und Kunst der Höhenstrasse 324
Download as PDF Article: Stilkriterien der modernen Architektur an der LA 330
Download as PDF Article: Innenräume 339
Download as PDF Article: "Dörfli" : Heimatschutz und Modernität 342
Download as PDF Article: Gärten 344
Download as PDF Article: Die Technik der Darstellung 345
Download as PDF Article: Das Publikum 349
Download as PDF Article: Mitarbeit der Architekten und des Schweiz. Werkbundes SWB 350
Download as PDF Article: Die soziale Seite 352
Download as PDF Advertising V
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender VII
Download as PDF Competitions VIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous VIII
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik IX
Download as PDF Advertising XI
Download as PDF Rubric: Hans-Thoma-Ausstellung in Winterthur XII
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Rubric: LA XVI
Download as PDF Book review XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Issue 12: Tonhalle und Kongresshaus Zürich _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: Tonhalle und Kongresshaus Zürich : Architekten Max Ernst Häfeli, Werner M. Moser und Rudolf Steiger, Zürich 353
Download as PDF Article: LA-Nachlese 379
Download as PDF Article: Kunst an der Landesausstellung 380
Download as PDF Article: Rückblick auf die Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Zürich 381
Download as PDF Article: Erinnerung an die Pradoausstellung in Genf 383
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Competitions XII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zum Rücktritt von Dr. Vital XII
Download as PDF Rubric: Fritz Schumacher, 70 Jahre alt XII
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Das Projekt für den Völkerbundspalast von Le Corbusier in Zürich XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Meisterwerke aus den Kunstmuseen Basel und Bern XIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Rubric: Weihnachtsausstellung im Zürcher Kunstgewerbemuseum XVI
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: LA-Nachträge : Fahnen und sonstiger Zubehör XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Book review XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilung XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV