E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 59 (2005)
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Heft 1: Methodological issues in the study of early Chinese manuscripts : papers from the second Hamburg tomb text workshop _
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Download as PDF Titelseiten 1
Download as PDF Sonstiges 2
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 3
Download as PDF Vorwort: Introduction 5
Download as PDF Artikel: Placement of inscriptions on oracle-bone plastrons as a guide to decipherment 11
Download as PDF Artikel: Towards a transparent transcription 31
Download as PDF Artikel: A methodological procedure for the analysis of the Wenxian covenant texts 61
Download as PDF Artikel: A corpus-based approach to palaeography : the case of the Houma covenant texts 115
Download as PDF Artikel: La production des manuscrits dans la Chine ancienne : une approche codicologique de la bibliothèque funéraire de Mawangdui 131
Download as PDF Artikel: Towards a profile of graphic variation : on the distribution of graphic variants within the Mawangdui Laozi manuscripts 169
Download as PDF Artikel: Reading the early Laotzyy 209
Download as PDF Artikel: Preliminary thoughts on the relationship between lexicon and writing in the Guodian texts 233
Download as PDF Artikel: Cases of "diffraction" and lectio difficilior in early Chinese manuscripts 261
Download as PDF Artikel: Quotation and the Confucian canon in early Chinese manuscripts : the case of "Zi yi (black robes) 293
Download as PDF Artikel: The scope of private jurisdiction in early imperial China : the evidence of newly excavated legal documents 333
Download as PDF Artikel: Signatures of "scribes" in early imperial China 353
Download as PDF Rubric: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 389
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Issue 2 _
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Download as PDF Front matter 391
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 392
Download as PDF Table of Contents 393
Download as PDF Article: Recherches sur la philosophie religieuse de Dharmakīrti. I., Le Bouddha comme Śāstr et comme Sugata 395
Download as PDF Article: The evolution of Draupadī's marriage in the Jaina tradition 443
Download as PDF Article: Der Beitrag der indischen Mathematik zum Rechnen mit negativen Zahlen 499
Download as PDF Article: Noch einmal zur langen und kurzen Version des Yogavāsistha in ihrem Verhältnis zur Moksopāya-Rezension 509
Download as PDF Article: Śankara, critique du Vaiśesika : une lecture de Brahmasūtrabhāsya (II, 2, 11-17) 533
Download as PDF Article: Astāpadānām caturangakalpanā : Banas Erwähnung des Schachspiels im Harsacarita 581
Download as PDF Obituary: Hélène Brunner (1920-2005) 593
Download as PDF Book review: Rezensionen = Comptes rendus = Reviews 597
Download as PDF Rubric: Publication received by the regional editor for South-Asia (from December 2002 to July 2004) 647
Download as PDF Rubric: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 667
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Issue 3 _
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Download as PDF Front matter 669
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 671
Download as PDF Article: Der Teil und das Ganze : die Auto-Anthologie Safī al-Dīn al-Hillīs 675
Download as PDF Article: Les manuscrits illustrés orientaux dans les institutions publiques en Suisse. III, Les manuscrits du musée historique de Berne 1 : le livre des rois (Šāhnāme) 697
Download as PDF Article: D'Ibn Fāris à al-Farrā : ou, un retour aux sources sur la Luga al-Fushā 797
Download as PDF Article: La citoyenneté au Liban : le cas des mariages libano-palestiniens 815
Download as PDF Article: Shiite criticism of the welāyat-e faqīh 831
Download as PDF Article: Noch einmal zur ältesten neupersischen Strophendichtung 845
Download as PDF Article: Die iranische Revolution von 1979 : eine makrosoziologische Analyse 857
Download as PDF Article: Shariatism versus constitutionalism in the Iranian constitutional revolution 879
Download as PDF Article: Allgemeiner Wortlaut und eingeschränkter Sinn : die Fundierung der juristischen Hermeneutik (usūl al-fiqh) in der Risāla des Šāfi'ī 907
Download as PDF Article: Eine Wundergeschichte über die Entstehung der Maus 925
Download as PDF Article: Theory and method in Vedic studies 943
Download as PDF Article: Replik zu Konrad Meisigs Rezension zu meiner Dissertation 979
Download as PDF Book review: Rezensionen = Comptes rendus = Reviews 985
Download as PDF Rubric: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 1015
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Issue 4 _
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Download as PDF Front matter 1017
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 1018
Download as PDF Table of Contents 1019
Download as PDF Article: Hattori Unokichi et Uno Tetsuto : les derniers kangaku-sha 1021
Download as PDF Article: Historiographie als Selbstdarstellung : Tārīh-i Nusratğangī - ein indo-persisches Geschichtswerk um 1800 1039
Download as PDF Article: Die Schriften von Wang Guowei in chronlogischer Abfolge 1077
Download as PDF Article: The means of penetrating truth : T'ien-T'ai theory of knowledge 1189
Download as PDF Article: Der Begriff xìng im Huái Nán Zĭ 1267
Download as PDF Book review: Rezensionen = Comptes rendus = Reviews 1317
Download as PDF Erratum 1371
Download as PDF Rubric: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 1373
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 1