E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 89 (1996)
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Cahier 1 _
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Download as PDF Article: Second workshop on Alpine geology : editorial remarks and results of a round-table discussion about perspectives of geological research in the Alps 1
Download as PDF Article: Alpine geology : whence, whither? 7
Download as PDF Article: The intra-Alpine terrain : a paleotethyan remnant in the Alpine Variscides 13
Download as PDF Article: Did the Western Alps develop through an Oman-type stage? : The geotectonic setting of high-pressure metamorphism in two contrasting Tethyan transects 43
Download as PDF Article: Mesozoic paleogeography and the timing of eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Alps : a working hypothesis 81
Download as PDF Article: Feasability of a double slab breakoff (Cretaceous and Tertiary) during the Alpine convergence 111
Download as PDF Article: The intra-orogenic Soportújar Formation of the Mulhacén Complex : evidence for the polycyclic character of the Alpine orogeny in the Betic Cordilleras 129
Download as PDF Article: Pre-orogenic tectonic framework of the northern Apennine ophiolites 163
Download as PDF Article: Inverted Mesozoic rift structures in the Polish western Carpathians (High-Tatric units) : comparison with similar features in the western Alps 181
Download as PDF Article: Tectonothermal evolution of the internal Alps and Carpathians : evidence from 40Ar/39Ar mineral and whole-rock data 203
Download as PDF Article: Low-angel extrusion of high-pressure rocks and the balance between outward and inward displacements of Middle Penninic units in the western Alps 229
Download as PDF Article: Kinematics and geometry of early Alpine, basement-involved folds, SW Pelvoux Massif, SE France 269
Download as PDF Article: The Pennine Front zone in Savoie (western Alps), a review and new interpretations from the Zone Houillère Briançonnaise 297
Download as PDF Article: Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Roignais-Versoyen Unit (Valaisan domain, France) 321
Download as PDF Article: Composite P-T paths in the Internal Penninic Massifs of the western Alps : petrological constraints to their thermo-mechanical evolution 345
Download as PDF Article: Geochemistry of mafic rocks in the Sesia Zone (western Alps) : new data and interpretations 369
Download as PDF Article: Western Préalpes Médianes Romandes : timing and structure : a review 389
Download as PDF Article: Faziesanalyse und Ablagerungsmilieu der fluviatilen Sedimentfüllung des Karbontroges von Salvan-Dorénaz 427
Download as PDF Article: Structure and deformational history of the Infrahelvetic flysch units, Glarus Alps, eastern Switzerland 439
Download as PDF Article: Structure of the northern Maggia and Lebendun Nappes, Central Alps, Switzerland 461
Download as PDF Article: Triassic pegmatites in the Mesoizoic middle crust of the Southern Alps (Italy) : fluid inclusions, radiometric dating and tectonic implications 505
Download as PDF Article: The tecto-metamorphic evolution of the Cretaceous northern Adriatic margin as recorded by sedimentary series (western part of the Eastern Alps) 527
Download as PDF Article: Superposed fold-thrust structures and high-angle faults, Northwestern Calcareous Alps, Austria 553
Download as PDF Article: Kinematics of Penninic nappes (Glockner Nappe and basement-cover nappes) in the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria) during subduction and Penninc-Austroalpine collision 573
Download as PDF Article: Rapport de la 111ème assemblée générale ordinaire de la Société Géologique Suisse à St. Gall : 5 au 7 septembre 1995 607
Download as PDF Article: Der penninisch-ostalpine Grenzbereich in Graubünden und in der Val Malenco 617
Download as PDF Article: Das nordalpine Wasserschloss und seine eiszeitgeologische Umgebung 635
Download as PDF Pages complémentaires 647
Cahier 2 _
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Download as PDF Article: The deep structure of the Engadine window : evidence from deep seismic data 657
Download as PDF Article: Contribution des méthodes géophysiques (sismique réfraction et éléctrique), à l'identification des corps sédimentaires piégés dans le remplissage lacustre des Brenets (Doubs, France) depuis la dernière glaciation 677
Download as PDF Article: Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Hauptrogenstein and Klingnau Formations (middle Bajocian to late Bathonian), northern Switzerland 695
Download as PDF Article: Stratigraphy and sedimnetology of the Sardona unit, Glarus Alps : Upper Cretaceous/middle Eocene deep-marine flysch sediments from the Ultrahelvetic realm 721
Download as PDF Article: Magnetostratigraphic calibration of the Oligocence to Middle Miocene (30-15 Ma) mammal biozones and depositional sequences of the Swiss Molasse Basin 753
Download as PDF Article: Palynostratigraphische Untersuchungen an Ligniten der im nördlichen Napfvorland gelegenen Zeller Schotter (Schweizerisches Mittelland) 789
Download as PDF Article: Middle and Late Jurassic carbon stable-isotope stratigraphy and radiolarite sedimentation of the Umbria-Marche Basin (Central Italy) 811
Download as PDF Article: Rudist biostromes on the margin of an isolated carbonate platform : the Upper Cretaceous of Montagna della Maiella, Italy 845
Download as PDF Pages complémentaires 873
Cahier 3 _
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Download as PDF Article: Die Passwang-Alloformation (unteres Aalénien bis unteres Bajocien) im zentralen und nördlichen Schweizer Jura 875
Download as PDF Article: Tectonic control on Cambrian sedimentation in South-Western Europe 935
Download as PDF Article: Néotéctonique de la région sud-lémanique (Haute-Savoie, France) : approche multisources (imagerie optique et hyperfréquences, analyse morphostructurale) 949
Download as PDF Préface: Quartärforschung : Einleitung 975
Download as PDF Article: Über die Datierung pleistozäner Ablagerungen mit Hilfe von Pollenanalysen 977
Download as PDF Article: Die Einführung der Haslacheiszeit und die 3-Teilung der Risseiszeit im östlichen Rheingletschergebiet (SW-Deutschland) 991
Download as PDF Article: Überlegungen zum Bewegungsmechanismus vorstossender kaltzeitlicher Gletscher und zur glazialen Erosion und Übertiefung 1007
Download as PDF Article: Zur plio-pleistozänen Landschaftsgeschichte im Gebiet Hochrhein-Wutach-Randen-Donau : geomorphologische Überlegungen und sedimentpetrographische Befunde 1023
Download as PDF Article: Vorläufige Mitteilung über Funde von pliozänen Kleinsäugern aus den höheren Deckenschottern des Irchels (Kt. Zürich) 1043
Download as PDF Article: The exposure age of an Egesen moraine at Julier Pass, Switzerland, measured with the cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl 1049
Download as PDF Article: Letzteiszeitliche Glazitektonik im Weisstannental (SG) : eismechanische klimatostratigraphische Implikation 1065
Download as PDF Article: Die Ittinger Schotter und ihr morphogenetisches Umfeld 1077
Download as PDF Article: Stausedimente am Rande des Rheingletscher-Eisstromnetzes im Schanfigg (Graubünden) 1093
Download as PDF Article: Rückschmelzmarken des alpinen Eisstromnetzes im Spätglazial (Rheingletscher-System, Würm) 1105
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 1115
Download as PDF Article: Plant remains from the Vellerat Formation (Oxfordian) of the Swiss Jura mountains 1117
Download as PDF Article: The larger Foraminifera of Trinidad (West Indies) 1137
Download as PDF Table des matières 1137
Download as PDF Chapitre 1: Introduction 1139
Download as PDF Chapitre 2: Localities and biostratigraphy 1140
Download as PDF Chapitre 3: Description of the larger foraminifera localities 1141
Download as PDF Chapitre 4: Conclusions on the Trinidad larger foraminifera localities 1179
Download as PDF Chapitre 5: Taxonomie 1181
Download as PDF Chapitre : Acknowledgments 1239
Download as PDF Index: Index for taxonomic descriptions and illustrations 1240
Download as PDF Bibliographie: References 1243
Download as PDF Appendice: Plates 1250
Download as PDF Article: Astrocratis acutispina, new genus and species, a new asteroid from the Late Cretaceous of Texas 1311
Download as PDF Article: Ein Mixosaurier (Reptilia, Ichtyosauria) mit Embryonen aus der Grenzbitumenzone (Mitteltrias) des Monte San Giorgio (Schweiz, Kanton Tessin) 1321
Download as PDF Article: The biostratigraphical position of the Oligocene French fossil localities Saint-Martin-de-Castillon (Apt basin) and Vialenc (Aurillac basin) based on the Issiodoromyini (Mammalia, Rodentia, Theridomyidae) 1345
Download as PDF Article: Upper Eocene rodents from the Almazán basin (Soria, Spain) 1363
Download as PDF Table of Contents 1387