E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (1958)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 45
Download as PDF Article: Weltausstellung Brüssel 46
Download as PDF Article: Die schweizerische Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie 48
Download as PDF Article: Zürich zeigt = Zurich présente = Zurich presents 90
Download as PDF Advertising 136
Download as PDF Article: Der Aussenhandel der Schweiz und der Textilmarkt im Jahre 1957 146
Download as PDF Article: Der Schuh und die neue Frühjahrsmode 147
Download as PDF Article: SAFFA 1958 148
Download as PDF Article: Die Schweizer Textilindustrie auf der 39. Nationalen Herbstmesse in Lausanne 149
Download as PDF Article: Unter dem Zeichen der Vorspiegelung 151
Download as PDF Article: Les collections de printemps 1958 155
Download as PDF Article: Broderies et tissus fins de Saint-Gall dans la décoration de vitrines 199
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 200
Download as PDF Obituary: Dr. Rudolf V. Heberlein 210
Download as PDF Article: Chronik 210
Download as PDF Advertising 211
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 39
Download as PDF Article: Les collections de printemps et d'été 1958 40
Download as PDF Article: A la chambre syndicale de la couture parisienne 73
Download as PDF Obituary: Lucien Lelong 73
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus London 74
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Deutschland 79
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus New York 86
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Los Angeles 90
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 92
Download as PDF Article: Die Schweiz in Brüssel : die Textil-Gruppe 98
Download as PDF Article: 42. Schweizer Mustermesse, Basel 1958 106
Download as PDF Article: Of handkerchiefs in the form of... 117
Download as PDF Article: Maschenunterwäsche 133
Download as PDF Article: Chronik 140
Download as PDF Article: Contributions individuelles des maisons = Manufacturers' own contributions = Contribuciones individuales de las casas = Beiträge einzelner Firmen 147
Download as PDF Advertising 169
Issue 3 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 35
Download as PDF Article: Erneuerung : das Wesen der Couture 37
Download as PDF Article: Les collections d'automne et d'hiver 1958-1959 41
Download as PDF Article: Zürich zeigt = Zurich présente = Zurich presents 78
Download as PDF Article: Auf Qualität eingestellt 81
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus London 130
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Los Angeles 133
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus New York 136
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 138
Download as PDF Article: Die Schuhmode im Herbst und Winter 1958/59 149
Download as PDF Article: Die Schweizer Textilien an der SAFFA 150
Download as PDF Article: Die Botschafterin des Baumwollkönigs 152
Download as PDF Article: Baumwolle und Elektrizität 153
Download as PDF Article: Für den Herrn 154
Download as PDF Article: 5. Internationaler Kongress der Wirkerei- und Stickerei-Industrie 156
Download as PDF Article: GEIGY : zweihundert Jahre Industrie 158
Download as PDF Article: Ein Jubiläum in der Stickereiindustrie 160
Download as PDF Article: Ein halbes Jahrhundert Mode 161
Download as PDF Article: Contributions individuelles des maisons = Manufacturers' own contributions = Contribuciones individuales de las casas = Beiträge einzelner Firmen 162
Download as PDF Advertising 187
Issue 4: [No. 4 - 1958 / No. 1 - 1959] _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 31
Download as PDF Article: Les collections d'automne et d'hiver 1958-1959 33
Download as PDF Article: Paris vous dit 53
Download as PDF Article: Wie das Wasser einem Quell entfliesst 57
Download as PDF Article: 43. Schweizer Mustermesse Basel 68
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus New York 70
Download as PDF Article: Swiss Silks in the U.S.A. 75
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Los Angeles 80
Download as PDF Article: Ici et ailleurs = Here, there and everywhere = De acquí y acullá = Aus aller Welt 82
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus Deutschland 87
Download as PDF Article: Eine Ausstellung Schweizer Textilien in Stuttgart 92
Download as PDF Article: Brief aus London 93
Download as PDF Article: Chronik 96
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Mode und Schweizer Uhr 97
Download as PDF Article: Orlons Vorstoss 105
Download as PDF Article: Velcro : eine Schweizer Erfindung, die sich die ganze Welt erobert 106
Download as PDF Article: Contributions individuelles des maisons = Manufacturers' own contributions = Contribuciones individuales de las casas = Beiträge einzelner Firmen 110
Download as PDF Advertising 130