E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 63 (1970)
Heading Page
Issue 1: Geochronology of phanerozoic orogenic belts : papers presented at the "Colloquium on the Geochronology of Phanerozoic Orogenic Belts" _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Article: Certain key data for the phanerozoic time-scale 1
Download as PDF Article: Summarized analyses of standards 9
Download as PDF Article: A triassic time scale dilemma : K-Ar dating of Upper Triassic mafic igneous rocks, Eastern U.S.A. and Canada and Post-Upper Triassic plutons, Western Idaho, U.S.A. 15
Download as PDF Article: On the history of the Gotthard massif (Central Alps, Switzerland) 29
Download as PDF Article: Thermally-induced migration of Rb and Sr in an adamellite 31
Download as PDF Article: Discordant absolute age values and their significance for the determination of temperatures and duration of rock-forming processes 45
Download as PDF Article: The crystalline core of the Tatra mountains : a case of polymetamorphism and polytectonism 53
Download as PDF Article: Geochronoly and Geochemical trends of volcanic rocks from Campania, S. Italy 57
Download as PDF Article: A theory of "real" K-Ar clocks 69
Download as PDF Article: Half-life of Lutetium-176 based on the ratio Lu-167/Hf-176 from two minerals dated by the Pb-U method 77
Download as PDF Article: Evaluation of U-Th-Pb whole-rock dating on phanerozoic sedimentary rocks 79
Download as PDF Article: Northern Appalachian geochronology as a model for interpreting ages in older orogens 83
Download as PDF Article: K-Ar ages of two basalts from Bermuda 93
Download as PDF Article: Preliminary Rb-Sr geochronoly of the North Ladoga region, Soviet Karelia 95
Download as PDF Article: Isotopic composition of lead in basic and ultrabasic rocks from the Alps 105
Download as PDF Article: Potassium-argon ages of glauconites from a biochronologically dated Upper Jurassic sequence of Northern Switzerland 111
Download as PDF Article: Graphical solutions to the problem of radiogenic Argon-40 loss from metamorphic minerals 119
Download as PDF Article: Diffusion of geochronolically important nuclides in minerals under hydrothermal conditions 141
Download as PDF Article: Polymetamorphism in the Monte Rosa, Western Alps 151
Download as PDF Article: Rb-Sr Systems in different degrees of metamorphism 163
Download as PDF Article: Geochronology of the Upper Precambrian of the Siberian platform, Uchur-Maja region 173
Download as PDF Article: Etude géochronologique de la minéralisation uranifère de la Mine du Chardon (Vendée-France) 185
Download as PDF Article: A potassium-argon study of the margin of the Tauernfenster at Döllach, Austria 197
Download as PDF Article: Geochronological investigations of Caledonian history in Western Ireland 207
Download as PDF Article: Turbomolecula pumbing for argon extraction systems 213
Download as PDF Article: U/Pb zircon ages and polycyclism of the Gneiss de Brest and the Adjacent formations (Brittany) 215
Download as PDF Article: Fission track stability of alpine micas 229
Download as PDF Article: Radiometric dating of pennine-type Nappes in the Northern Appalachians 230
Download as PDF Article: Uranium-Lead radioactive ages of monazite and zircon from the Vire-Carolles granite (Normandy) : a case of zircon-monazite discrepancy 231
Download as PDF Article: Uranium-lead radioactive dating and lead isotope study on sphene and K-feldspar in the Sør-Rondane Mountains, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica 239
Download as PDF Article: Dating events of acid plutonism through the Paleozoic of the Western Iberian Peninsula 255
Download as PDF Article: Improved resolution and precision of argon analysis using an MS 10 mass spectrometer 275
Download as PDF Article: Regionale und lokale Verjüngung des Argon-Alters am Beispiel des Kaukasus 281
Download as PDF Article: Nondestructive determination of Uranium and Thorium in accessory minerals by gamma ray spectrometry 291
Download as PDF Article: K/Ar and Rb/Sr age determinations on minerals and total rocks of the Harz-Mountains/Germany 299
Download as PDF Article: Geochronological aspects of stabilization of continental precambrian platforms 301
Download as PDF Article: On-line Ar extraction system for rapid high-precision routine analysis 311
Download as PDF Article: K-Ar dating by neutron activation of some igneous and metamorphic rocks from the southern branch of the Romanian Carpathians 323
Download as PDF Article: Die Interpretation von Spaltspurenaltern (fission track ages) am Beispiel von natürlich Gläsern, Apatiten und Zirkonen 335
Download as PDF Article: Anomalous parent-daughter isotopic relationships in rocks adjacent to the Grenville Front near Chibougamau, Quebec 345
Download as PDF Article: Total rock and mineral ages of granites from the southern Schwarzwald, Germany 365
Download as PDF Article: Geochronology of some metamorphic rocks in Japan 371
Issue 2 389
Download as PDF Article: Kriterien zur Klassifikation von Grundwasservorkommen 389
Download as PDF Chapter : Zusammenfassung = Résumé = Abstract 389
Download as PDF Table of Contents 390
Download as PDF Chapter : Einleitung 392
Download as PDF Chapter I: Geologische Kriterien : die Grundwasserleiter 392
Download as PDF Chapter II: Meterologische Kriterien : die Neubildung des Grundwassers 399
Download as PDF Chapter III: Physikalische Kriterien 404
Download as PDF Chapter IV: Chemische Kriterien 412
Download as PDF Chapter V: Korrelationen 418
Download as PDF Chapter VI: Anthropogene Eingriffe 427
Download as PDF Chapter VII: Schlussfolgerungen 431
Download as PDF Bibliography: Literaturverzeichnis 431
Download as PDF Article: Une méthode particulière de prospection électrique du sous-sol appliquée à la délimination d'un aquifère calcaire, avec essais par modèle réduit 435
Download as PDF Article: Die hydrogeologische Karte des Kantons Bern 447
Download as PDF Article: Erfahrungen bei einer Grundwasserverunreinigung durch Benzin 459
Download as PDF Article: Grundwasservorkommen im Klettgau, Kanton Schaffhausen 467
Download as PDF Article: Probleme der Grundwassererschliessung und des Grundwasserschutzes im schweizerischen Mittelland 483
Download as PDF Article: Zur Datierung spätwürmeiszeitlicher Gletscherstände am Rande des Säntisgebirges 501
Download as PDF Article: Reflexionsseismische Untersuchungen im Zürichsee. Teil 1, Geophysik 511
Download as PDF Article: Seismic investigation of Lake Zurich. Part II, Geology 525
Download as PDF Article: Les oolithes déformées du Vélar (massif de Morcles) 539
Download as PDF Article: Submarine volcanism and the toarcian iron pisolites of western Sicily 549
Download as PDF Article: Jurassic carbonate facies and new ammonite faunas from western Greece 573
Download as PDF Article: Traces of rhyolitic-trachytic volcanism in the Upper Jurassic of the Southern Alps 609
Download as PDF Article: Un problème concernant la sous-zone à Braunianus (Toarcien moyen) 623
Download as PDF Article: Die Stratigraphie der Platta-Decke : facielle Zusammenhänge zwischen Oberpenninikum und Unterostalpin 631
Download as PDF Article: Stratigraphic boundaries : a reply 673
Download as PDF Article: Die Entstehung der resedimentären Breccien im Obertithon der subalpinen Ketten Frankreichs 685
Download as PDF Chapter : Zusammenfassung = Abstract = Résumé 685
Download as PDF Table of Contents 687
Download as PDF Preface 688
Download as PDF Chapter I: Einleitung 688
Download as PDF Chapter II: Gefügeeigenschaften der Resedimente im Obertithon des vocontischen Troges 692
Download as PDF Chapter III: Einschaltung der Resedimente in die Schichtfolgen des Beckens ; Paläogeographische Gesichtspunkte 706
Download as PDF Chapter IV: Materialbestand der Resedimente 720
Download as PDF Chapter V: Genetische Deutung der Resedimente im Obertithon des vocontischen Troges 725
Download as PDF Bibliography: Literaturverzeichnis 736
Download as PDF Appendix: Tafeln _
Download as PDF Article: Fossil managese nodules from the West Sicilian Jurassic 741
Download as PDF Article: Microarchitecture and mode of formation of nacre (Mother-of-Pearl) in pelecypods, gastropods, and cephalods 775
Download as PDF Article: Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy 799
Download as PDF Chapter : Abstract = Zusammenfassung 799
Download as PDF Table of Contents 800
Download as PDF Chapter 1: Introduction 802
Download as PDF Chapter 2: Sections studied 814
Download as PDF Chapter 3: Zonation of the oligocene 821
Download as PDF Kapitel 4: Biostratigraphic datum levels 833
Download as PDF Kapitel 5: Correlation of the nannoplankton zones with planktonic foraminiferal zones 834
Download as PDF Kapitel 6: Correlation of the oligocene stages with the nannoplankton zones 836
Download as PDF Kapitel 7: Systematic paleontology 838
Download as PDF Register: Check list of species 871
Download as PDF Bibliographie: References 872
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 879
Download as PDF Anhang: Tafeln _
Download as PDF Artikel: Evolution and variability of orbulinoides beckmanni (Saito) 883
Download as PDF Artikel: Bericht der Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft : 49. Jahresversammlung : Samstag, den 25. April 1970 in Basel 907
Download as PDF Kapitel A: Bericht des Vorstandes für das Jahr 1969/70 907
Download as PDF Kapitel B: Geschäftliche Sitzung 908
Download as PDF Artikel: Probleme der Lobenterminologie 909
Download as PDF Artikel: Über den Ursprung der Neoammonoideen : das Problem einer Typogenese 923
Download as PDF Kapitel : Summary = Zusammenfassung 923
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 923
Download as PDF Kapitel I: Einleitung 924
Download as PDF Kapitel II: Derzeitiger Kenntnisstand 925
Download as PDF Kapitel III: Diskussion 930
Download as PDF Kapitel IV: Phylogenetisch-systematische Schlussbetrachtungen 959
Download as PDF Kapitel V: Das Typogenese-Problem 963
Download as PDF Kapitel VI: Stratigraphisch-sedimentologische Schlussbetrachtungen 966
Download as PDF Kapitel VII: Systematischer Teil 967
Download as PDF Bibliographie: Literatur 1013
Download as PDF Anhang: Tafeln 1020
Download as PDF Artikel: Über die Gattungen Parengonoceras Spath, Knemiceras Böhm und Neophlycticeras Spath (Ammonoidea) aus den Anden Venezuelas 1021
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 1021
Download as PDF Kapitel : Zusammenfassung = Abstract 1021
Download as PDF Kapitel 1: Einleitung 1022
Download as PDF Kapitel 2: Stratigraphische Bemerkungen 1023
Download as PDF Kapitel 3: Anteil von Parengonoceras und Knemiceras an der Gesamtfaune 1026
Download as PDF Kapitel 4: Paläontologischer Teil 1026
Download as PDF Bibliographie: Literaturverzeichnis 1055
Download as PDF Anhang: Tafeln _
Download as PDF Artikel: Ein neuer Schlangenstern (Aplocoma mutata n.sp.) aus dem Hettangien von Ceilhes (Hérault) und Bemerkungen über "Ophioderma" squamosa aus dem Muschelkalk 1059
Download as PDF Artikel: Schlangensterne und Seesterne aus dem oberen Hauterivien "Pierre jaune" von St.-Blaise bei Neuchâtel 1069
Download as PDF Artikel: Nouveaux gisements à Stelléroides dans le Kimméridgien supérieur (Calcaires en plaquettes) du Jura méridional : Ain, France 1093
Download as PDF Artikel: Sur quelques genres nouveaux ou peu connus de madreporaires jurassiques 1109
Download as PDF Artikel: Mikropaläontologische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen der obereozänen-oligozänen Scaglia im zentralen Appenin (Italien) 1133
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 1133
Download as PDF Kapitel : Zusammenfassung = Summary = Riassunto 1133
Download as PDF Vorwort 1136
Download as PDF Kapitel : Einleitung 1137
Download as PDF Kapitel I: Geologischer Teil 1141
Download as PDF Kapitel II: Biostratigraphischer Teil 1172
Download as PDF Kapitel III: Systematik 1182
Download as PDF Bibliographie: Literaturverzeichnis 1204
Download as PDF Anhang: Tafeln _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Sonstiges _
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Preise der Veröffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft = Prix des publications de la Société Géologique Suisse _
Download as PDF Sonstiges _