E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 35 (1961)
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Download as PDF Article: Geodesics of Bounded, Symmetric Domains. 1
Download as PDF Article: Homotopy mod. C of Spaces of Category 2. 9
Download as PDF Article: Fibrations and Cocategory. 15
Download as PDF Article: On the EULER characteristic of Compact Locally Affine Spaces. 25
Download as PDF Article: Sur les variétés à courbure positive de diamètre minimum. 28
Download as PDF Article: Groups of Transformations of KAEHLER and almost KAEHLER Manifolds. 35
Download as PDF Article: Über Riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeiten mit positiver Krümmung. 47
Download as PDF Article: On Geodesic Vector Fields in a Compact Orientable RIEMANNian Space. 55
Download as PDF Article: Minimal Surfaces in the Large. 65
Download as PDF Article: On excision and principal fibrations. 77
Download as PDF Article: Convex Immersions of Closed Surfaces in E3. 85
Download as PDF Article: An Imbedding of Closed RIEMANN Surfaces in EUCLIDean Space. 93
Download as PDF Article: The global study of geodesics in symmetric and nearly symmetric RIEMANNian manifolds. 111
Download as PDF Article: On sphere-bundles over spheres. 126
Download as PDF Article: Cobordism of Pairs. 136
Download as PDF Article: Die Existenz geschlossener Geodätischer auf kompakten Mannigfaltigkeiten. 146
Download as PDF Article: Über Extremallängen auf geschlossenen Flächen. 153
Download as PDF Article: Die Dimensionsdefekte der BURNSIDE-Gruppen mit zwei Erzeugenden 169
Download as PDF Article: Über die Lösungen linearer Differentialgleichungen mit ganzen Funktionen als Koeffizienten. 201
Download as PDF Article: Projectively Flat Spaces with Recurrent Curvature. 223
Download as PDF Article: Über die Homotopie- und Cohomologiegruppen von Abbildungen. 233
Download as PDF Article: Eine konstruktiv-figürliche Begründung eines Abschnittes der zweiten Zahlklasse. 263
Download as PDF Article: Zwei elementare Sätze über positive Lösungen linearer homogener Gleichungssysteme. 319