E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 48 (1975)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 1
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Rapport de la session d'automne de la Société Suisse de Physique à Neuchâtel les 11 et 12 octobre 1974 1
Download as PDF Article: A rigorous model sustaining van Hove's phenomenon 59
Download as PDF Article: The extraordinary Hall effect in Kondo alloys 79
Download as PDF Article: On wave packet reduction in the Coleman-Hepp model 93
Download as PDF Article: The linear Boltzmann operator-spectral properties and short-wavelength limit 99
Download as PDF Article: Berechnung der Zustandsdichte einer ungeordneten linearen Kette 131
Download as PDF Article: Neutron-neutron quasifree scattering at 14.1 MeV 137
Download as PDF Article: Paritätsmischende Effekte in myonischen Atomen 141
Download as PDF Article: On the asymptotic behaviour of atomic spectra near the continuum 145
Download as PDF Informations des associations: John-Eggert-Preis 151
Cahier 2 153
Download as PDF Article: Remarks on the foundations of general relativity 153
Download as PDF Article: On the foundations of relativity 163
Download as PDF Article: Hamiltonian dynamics for Einstein relativistic particles: The classical particle and the quantal particles of spin 0 and 1/2 173
Download as PDF Article: Charge-independent analysis of low energy πN scattering data 191
Download as PDF Article: Korrelationsfunktion eines klassischen Heisenberg Ferromagneten in der paramagnetischen Phase 213
Download as PDF Article: Are Bell's inequalities concerning hidden variables really conclusive? 219
Download as PDF Article: Electron densities at charged impurities in metals 227
Download as PDF Article: Die Rekombination eines Helium Plasmas 243
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zusammenfassungen der letzten eingegangenen Arbeiten = Résumés des derniers articles reçus 260
Cahier 3 261
Download as PDF Article: Relativistische Gleichungen für Teilchen mit beliebigem Spin 261
Download as PDF Article: Statische Quadrupolwechselwirkung coulombangeregter Kerne implantiert in hexagonale Einkristalle 287
Download as PDF Article: Dynamics of the Dicke laser model in the classical region. I 329
Download as PDF Article: Suche nach schweren, schnellen Fragmenten oder Rückstoss-Kernen bei der Wechselwirkung von21 GeV Neutronen und 700 MeV Alphas an Hg, Ta, Ce, Y, Cu, Mn und Ca 343
Download as PDF Article: The reconstruction of quantum fields from Euclidean Green's functions at arbitrary temperatures 355
Download as PDF Article: A model for absorption or decay 365
Download as PDF Article: Lense-Thirring effect and localizability of gravitational energy-momentum 383
Download as PDF Rubrique: Zusammenfassungen der letzten eingegangenen Arbeiten = Résumés des derniers articles reçus 391
Cahier 4 393
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Rapport de la session de printemps de la Société Suisse de Physique à Zurich les 11 et 12 avril 1975 393
Download as PDF Article: On the anomalous skin effect in metals. part 1, Normal conductors 561
Download as PDF Article: Comparaison de trois modèles pour la diffusion quasi-libre n-n 577
Download as PDF Article: On the statistical mechanics of one-dimensional Coulomb systems 585
Download as PDF Article: Zur Struktur von KO2 in der Phase IV 599
Download as PDF Association News: Fellowships announcement _
Download as PDF Appendix: Communications présentées au cours de la session de printemps de la Société Suisse de Physique 11.-12.4.1975 _
Issue 5-6 609
Download as PDF Article: On the anomalous skin effect in metals. Part 2, Some aspects of superconductors, sum-rule applications and limits of this technique 609
Download as PDF Article: Relativistic gravitational energy is probably localizable 619
Download as PDF Article: A remark concerning the possibility of getting better superconductors 625
Download as PDF Article: The relativistic two body problem 631
Download as PDF Article: General theory of potential scattering with absorption at local singularities 639
Download as PDF Article: On the lattice dynamics of metallic hydrogen and other Coulomb systems 655
Download as PDF Article: On higher order radiative corrections in muonic atoms 671
Download as PDF Article: On mixtures of relativistic fluids 675
Download as PDF Article: Elektrische Leitfähigkeit eines vollionisierten Plasmas in einem äusseren Magnetfeld 699
Download as PDF Article: Product spaces and Nelson's inequality 721
Download as PDF Article: Time decay for Fermion systems with persistent vacuum 731
Download as PDF Article: Optische Eigenschaften und Elektronische Struktur von Alkali-Hyperoxid-Kristallen 743
Download as PDF Article: Stability of linear chains with third-order anharmonicity 787
Download as PDF Rubric: Zusammenfassungen der letzten eingegangenen Arbeiten = Résumés des derniers articles reçus 793
Download as PDF Table of Contents 795
Download as PDF Index: Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 803