E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 70 (1997)
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Heft 1-2 _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Flux and scattering into cones in potential scattering 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Localization near band edges for random Schrödinger operators 16
Download as PDF Artikel: Zeta functions with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for exterior domains 44
Download as PDF Artikel: Inverse spectral analysis with partial information on the potential. I, The case of an A.C. component in the spectrum 66
Download as PDF Artikel: Stability of matter through an electrostatic inequality 72
Download as PDF Artikel: Atomic correlations and van der Waals forces 80
Download as PDF Artikel: Multiphoton ionization of the delta-function atom 96
Download as PDF Artikel: Atoms and oscillators in quasi-periodic external fields 109
Download as PDF Artikel: Variational wave functions for the Mott-Hubbard transition 124
Download as PDF Artikel: On preparata's theory of a superradiant phase transition 141
Download as PDF Artikel: Superconductivity in a repulsive model 154
Download as PDF Artikel: A lattice model of local algebras of observables and fields with braid group statistics 192
Download as PDF Artikel: Perturbative renormalization with flow equations in Minkowski space 247
Download as PDF Artikel: Phonons as Goldstone bosons 275
Download as PDF Artikel: Determination of the chiral pion-pion scattering parameters : a proposal 287
Download as PDF Artikel: On M-algebras, the quantisation of Nambu-mechanics, and volume preserving diffeomorphisms 302
Download as PDF Artikel: On Newton-Cartan cosmology 318
Download as PDF Artikel: The relation between the gravitational stress tensor and the energy-momentum tensor 336
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: List of publications of Klaus Hepp 345
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: List of publications of Walter Hunziker 355
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Lectures on spaces of nonpositive curvature [W. Ballmann] _
Heft 3 _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Non-commutative quantum dynamics in N dimensions 359
Download as PDF Artikel: q-oscillators with q a root of unity 367
Download as PDF Artikel: Algebraic solutions of relativistic Coulomb problems 372
Download as PDF Artikel: Compatibility in physical theories 387
Download as PDF Artikel: Higgs-free massive nonabelian gauge theories 406
Download as PDF Artikel: The loop algebra of quantum gravity 417
Download as PDF Artikel: A promeasure on the space of Ashtekar connections 1-forms 432
Download as PDF Artikel: Classical representations for quantum-like systems through an axiomatics for context dependence 442
Download as PDF Artikel: A classification of classical representations for quantum like systems 462
Download as PDF Book review: Chladni und die Entwicklung der Akustik, 1750-1860 [D. Ullmann] _
Download as PDF Book review: Nonlinear partial differential equations in geometry and physics : the 1995 Barrett lectures [G. Baker; A. Freire] _
Download as PDF Book review: Evariste Galois (1811-1832) [L. Toti Rigatelli] _
Issue 4 _
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Download as PDF Article: Some applications of infinite dimensional analysis in mathematical physics 479
Download as PDF Article: Squeezed variances of smeared boson fields 507
Download as PDF Article: A new kinematical derivation of the Lorentz transformation and the particle description of light 542
Download as PDF Article: The quantization of the space-time defects in the early universe 565
Download as PDF Article: Algebraic dynamical approach to the linear nonautonomous system with hw(4) dynamical algebra 578
Download as PDF Article: The BRST quantization of first-order systems 590
Download as PDF Article: A semi-classical relativistic black hole 598
Download as PDF Book review: Classical nonintegrability, quantum chaos [A. Knauf; Y.G. Sinai] _
Issue 5 _
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Download as PDF Article: Stimulated emission of particles by 1+1 dimensional black holes 637
Download as PDF Article: Point symmetry groups and operators revisited 670
Download as PDF Article: Mapping between antisymmetric tensor and Weinberg formulations 677
Download as PDF Article: What particles are described by the Weinberg theory? 686
Download as PDF Article: The Weinberg propagators 697
Download as PDF Article: Generalized deformed para-bose algebra with complex structure function 703
Download as PDF Article: Quantum cryptography using nonlocal measurements 710
Download as PDF Article: Limiting dynamics, KMS-states, and macroscopic phase angle for weakly inhomogeneous BCS-models 727
Download as PDF Article: On the one-dimensional scattering by time-periodic potentials : general theory and application to two specific models 751
Download as PDF Book review: Topics in disordered systems [Ch.M. Newman] _
Download as PDF Book review: Structure of dynamical systems : a symplectic view of physics [J.-M. Souriau] _
Download as PDF Article: Nonlinear physics with MAPLE for scientists and engineers [R. Enns; G. McGuire] _
Issue 6 _
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Download as PDF Article: A simple accurate method for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation 781
Download as PDF Article: A mechanistic macroscopic physical entity with a three-dimensional Hilbert space description 793
Download as PDF Article: Pull-backs and product tests 803
Download as PDF Article: Self-inductance of solenoids, bi-dimensional rings and coaxial cables 813
Download as PDF Article: Two-loop effects of enhanced electroweak strength in the higgs sector 822
Download as PDF Article: On the replica symmetric solution for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model 838
Download as PDF Article: Exponential bounds for continuum eigenfunctions of n-body Schrödinger operators 854
Download as PDF Article: On the spectrum of the harmonic oscillator with a δ-type perturbation. II 858
Download as PDF Article: Constant cutoff approach to the eta photoproduction in the Skyrme model 866
Download as PDF Article: Marsden-Ratiu reduction and W^2_3 algebra 878
Download as PDF Article: Stochastic quantisation of Proca's model 886
Download as PDF Article: Complex formulation of lensing theory and applications 894
Download as PDF Table of Contents 909
Download as PDF Index: Index of authors = Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 913
Issue Sep. 1 _
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Download as PDF Association News: Réunion de printemps de la Société Suisse de Physique = Frühjahrstagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft = Spring meeting of the Swiss Physical Society _
Issue Sep. 2 _
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Download as PDF Association News: Réunion d'automne de la Société Suisse de Physique = Herbsttagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft = Autumn meeting of the Swiss Physical Society _
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Download as PDF Index: Index of authors = Autorenregister = Table des auteurs _