E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band - (1992)
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Heft 31: Collaborations David Hammoons & Mike Kelley _
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Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Artikel: Imi Knobel, Isa Genzken, Gerhard Merz : Affinitäten zur Architektur 6
Download as PDF Rubrik: Collaboration Mike Kelley & David Hammons 18
Download as PDF Titelseiten 18
Download as PDF Artikel: David Hammon : Hammons' Harlem equation : four Shots of memory, three shots of avant-garde = Hammons's Harlem-Gleichung : vier Schuss Erinnerung, drei Schuss Avantgarde 20
Download as PDF Artikel: David Hammons : rich in ruins = Ruinenreich 26
Download as PDF Artikel: David Hammons : is it reel or is it memorex : out of his window = durch sein Fenster 40
Download as PDF Artikel: David Hammons : Yo 47
Download as PDF Artikel: David Hammons : no wonder = kein Wunder 50
Download as PDF Artikel: David Hammons : edition for Parkett 60
Download as PDF Artikel: Mike Kelley : edition for Parkett 62
Download as PDF Artikel: Mike Kelley : Mike fucking Kelley 64
Download as PDF Artikel: Mike Kelley : noch eine Entdeckung Amerikas - Mike Kelley in Videofilmen = America: yet another discovery : Mike Kelley in video 74
Download as PDF Artikel: Mike Kelley : wild kingdom 82
Download as PDF Artikel: Mike Kelley : der Mundgeruch der Welt = the world's bad breath 93
Download as PDF Artikel: Mike Kelley : talking failure = über das Scheitern 100
Download as PDF Artikel: Rémy Zaugg : drei oder vier Glastüren (der See, Schiffe, das Ufer, die Hotels, die Alpen...) Ein Selbstporträt = three or four French windows (the lake, boats, the shore, the hotels, the Alps...) a self-portrait 108
Download as PDF Artikel: Insert 118
Download as PDF Artikel: "Les infos du paradis" : rot, gelb und blau die suche nach dem Echten = red, yellow and blue a quest for the real thing 131
Download as PDF Artikel: Cumulus from America : black popular culture = schwarze Populärkultur 136
Download as PDF Artikel: Cumulus aus Europa : eine Küchenausstellung in St. Gallen = a kitchen exhibition in St. Gallen 143
Download as PDF Artikel: Balkon : Gebet auf einem kalifornischen Zauberberg = prayer on Califonia's magic mountain 148
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett in Buchhandlungen = Bookshops _
Download as PDF Rubrik: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Heft 32: Collaborations Imi Knoebel & Sherrie Levine _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Artikel: Vija Celmins 6
Download as PDF Article: Larry Clark : what is this? = was ist das? 21
Download as PDF Rubrique: Collaboration Imi Knoebel & Sherrie Levine 30
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 30
Download as PDF Article: Imi Knoebel : Arbeit im Erfolg - Arbeit in der Erfolgslosigkeit = working with success - working with unsuccess 32
Download as PDF Article: Imi Knoebel und Grace Kelly : the high 46
Download as PDF Article: Imi Knoebel : first impressions = erster Eindruck 60
Download as PDF Article: Imi Knoebel : edition for Parkett 72
Download as PDF Article: Sherrie Levine : edition for Parkett 74
Download as PDF Article: Sherrie Levine : die Überschreitungen der Sherrie Levine = the Trangressions of Sherrie Levine 76
Download as PDF Article: Sherrie Levine : entzogene Gegenwart = presence withdrawn 88
Download as PDF Article: Sherrie Levine : looking after Sherrie Levine = sehen nach Sherrie Levine 101
Download as PDF Article: Making work and turning your back on it : Bethan Huws = Ein Werk erstellen und Abstand davon nehmen : Bethan Huws 112
Download as PDF Article: Das Kunstwerk als menschidealer Mittelpunkt = The work of art as the ideal center for human beings 123
Download as PDF Article: Insert 132
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" 146
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : inside the white clinic = in der weissen Klinik 150
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa 158
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : talk o' the town = Stadtgespräch 162
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett in Buchhandlungen = Bookshops _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 33: Collaborations Rosemarie Trockel & Christopher Wool _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial 6
Download as PDF Article: Penis plenty or phallic lack : exit mister punch = Füllhorn Penis oder phallische Leere : Abtritt Mister Punch 8
Download as PDF Article: A poesy of diagnostics or the object-neurology of Dennis Oppenheim = Poïesis der Diagnostik oder Dennis Oppenheims Objekt-Neurologie 20
Download as PDF Rubrique: Collaboration Rosemarie Trockel & Christopher Wool 30
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 30
Download as PDF Article: Rosemarie Trockel : Provokation und poetisches Rätsel = provocation and poetic enigma 32
Download as PDF Article: Rosemarie Trockel : as objects of = als Objekte von 48
Download as PDF Article: Rosemarie Trockel : how feminist are Rosemarie Trockel's objects? = wie feministisch sind Rosemarie Trockels Objekte? 61
Download as PDF Article: Rosemarie Trockel : edition for Parkett 75
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : cave canem 79
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : Wool's word paintings = Wools Wortbilder 87
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : in the shadow of painting = im Schatten der Malerei 101
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : here is something you can't understand 109
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : edition for Parkett 116
Download as PDF Article: The crooked path : patterns of kinetic energy = Der gekrümmte Pfad : Formen kinetischer Energie 118
Download as PDF Article: Insert 129
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : not vital : common currency = frei konvertibel 144
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : bin ich jetzt sentimental? = am i now getting senimental? 150
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America 159
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in Buchhandlungen = Bookshops _
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
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Issue 34: Collaborations Ilya Kabakov & Richard Prince _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 6
Download as PDF Article: Asta Gröting 8
Download as PDF Article: Gary Hill : "who am I but a figure of speech?" = "was bin ich anderes als eine Redewendung?" 16
Download as PDF Rubric: Collaboration Ilya Kabakov & Richard Prince 28
Download as PDF Front matter 28
Download as PDF Article: Ilya Kabakov : Boris Groys im Dialog mit Ilya Kabakov : "Russland auf dem Buckel" = "with Russia on your back" : a conversation between Ilya Kabakov and Boris Groys 30
Download as PDF Article: Ilya Kabakov : the architect of emptiness = der Architekt der Leere 42
Download as PDF Article: Ilya Kabakov : on lies and other truths = über Lügen und andere Wahrheiten 52
Download as PDF Article: Ilya Kabakov : Kabakovs Augenzwinkern = Kabakov's twinkle 61
Download as PDF Article: Ilya Kabakov : edition for Parkett 72
Download as PDF Article: Richard Prince : bad jokes = schlechte Witze 74
Download as PDF Article: Richard Prince : to know, know, know him 89
Download as PDF Article: Richard Prince, realist 98
Download as PDF Article: Richard Prince : red wings : concerning Richard Princes's "spiritual America" = spiritual America von Richard Prince 108
Download as PDF Article: Richard Prince : edition for Parkett 118
Download as PDF Article: Abstract monsters = Abstrakte Ungeheuer 120
Download as PDF Article: Insert 130
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : who's "we," white man? = was heisst da "wir", weisser Mann? 142
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : artists in pursuit of the teen spirit = Künstler auf der Jagd nach dem Geist der Jugend 152
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : die Beredsamkeit des Leibes : ein Gespräch über die Ausstellung zur Körpersprache in der Kunst in der Graphischen Sammlung Albertina, Wien = in conversation about the rhetoric of the body : on body language in art : an exhibition at the Albertina Graphische Sammlung, Vienna 159
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : Jaron Lanier interviewed by Edward Ball = Jaron Lanier im Gespräch mit Edward Ball 166
Download as PDF Rubric: Garderobe _
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in Buchhadlungen = Bookshops _
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
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