E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 7 (1964)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Part (1964): Preliminary publication I
Download as PDF Front matter I
Download as PDF Preface III
Download as PDF Index: List of authors VI
Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Rubric: General questions 1
Download as PDF Rubric: I: New trends in the methods of calculation 2
Download as PDF Article: General report 2
Download as PDF Rubric: Ia: The mathematical formulation of structural problems for the use of electronic computers 45
Download as PDF Article: A computer analysis of structures under impulsive loading 45
Download as PDF Article: Computer analysis of folded plate structures 55
Download as PDF Article: Analysis of the Nielsen System Bridge by digital computer 65
Download as PDF Article: Berechnung von Stockwerkrahmen nach Theorie II. Ordnung 75
Download as PDF Article: A generalised method of analysis of elastic plane frames 87
Download as PDF Article: Détermination des sollicitations dans une chaîne de portiques pentagonaux juxtaposés 93
Download as PDF Article: Ponts à poutres multiples sans entretoises 99
Download as PDF Article: Calcul des poutres croisées, compte tenu de la torsion 105
Download as PDF Rubric: Ib: Function and use of model tests 115
Download as PDF Article: The use of model analysis and testing in bridge design 115
Download as PDF Article: Model tests on a box girder bridge 123
Download as PDF Article: Étude théorique et expérimentale d'une poutre en caisson asymétrique avec deux appendices 131
Download as PDF Article: Modelluntersuchungen an einem Brückenfachwerk aus Spannbeton 139
Download as PDF Article: Essais sur modèles géomécaniques du tunnel de l'autoroute de la Cisa 147
Download as PDF Article: Aerodynamisch stabile Hängebrücke für grosse Spannweiten 155
Download as PDF Article: Dynamic behavior of large structures studied by means of models 169
Download as PDF Article: Vibrations of framed structures on scale models 179
Download as PDF Rubric: Ic: The notion of safety and its role in the calculation and design of structures with particular reference to the effect of plastic deformations on the distribution of forces and moments 185
Download as PDF Article: Safety, economy and rationality in structural design 185
Download as PDF Article: L'évolution de la notion de sécurité en constructions métalliques 193
Download as PDF Article: Plastic and elastic designs compared 205
Download as PDF Article: Calculs d'ossatures et serviceabilité 213
Download as PDF Article: Le dimensionnement idéal des ponts en grille de béton armé 221
Download as PDF Article: Structural behaviour and safety criteria 231
Download as PDF Article: La notion de sécurité dans le calcul des dalles à la rupture 241
Download as PDF Article: La sécurité des ponts en acier considérée du point de vue probabiliste 249
Download as PDF Article: Strength of concrete in finished structures and its effect on safety 257
Download as PDF Article: Der Begriff der Sicherheit im Talsperrenbau 267
Download as PDF Rubrique: Id: Special applications (e.g. calculation of space structures) 275
Download as PDF Article: Analysis of interconnected space frames 275
Download as PDF Article: The stiffening effect of sheeting in buildings 285
Download as PDF Article: Stress analysis and tests on a one-sheet hyperboloidal tower 291
Download as PDF Article: Näherungsberechnung der gekrümmten Kastenträger mit verformbarem Querschnitt 299
Download as PDF Article: Berechnung der Stahlbetonbrücken als räumliche Tragwerke 307
Download as PDF Rubrique: Metal structures 317
Download as PDF Rubrique: II: Structural steels, means of connection 317
Download as PDF Article: Rapport général 317
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIa: High tensile steels and their fabrication 351
Download as PDF Article: Hochfeste schweissbare Baustähle: ein Beitrag für deren Anwendung im Brückenbau 351
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIb: Friction-grip-bolts (high strength bolts) 363
Download as PDF Article: Studies on the application of high-strength bolted joints to bridges 363
Download as PDF Article: Beitrag zur Wandersicherheit von HV-Verbindungen 371
Download as PDF Article: The use of high-strength bolted joints in railway bridges 379
Download as PDF Article: Experiment on tensile joints using high-strength bolts 387
Download as PDF Article: Expérience française des boulons à haute résistance 397
Download as PDF Article: L'emploi des boulons à haute résistance dans la construction métallique; leur comportement dans les conditions de sollicitations répétées 407
Download as PDF Article: HV-Verbindungen: Überlegungen, Beobachtungen, Versuche 415
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIc: Welding and gluing 431
Download as PDF Article: Neuere Schweissverfahren für den Hoch- und Brückenbau 431
Download as PDF Article: Hochleistungsgeschweisste Stahlkonstruktionen 441
Download as PDF Article: Nearly 90% mechanised bridge welding 457
Download as PDF Article: Versuche und Erfahrungen mit Stahl-Klebeverbindungen 467
Download as PDF Article: Glued metal joints 483
Download as PDF Article: Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit von Klebverbindungen 489
Download as PDF Rubrique: IId: Fatigue life of structural members 497
Download as PDF Article: Fatigue life of bridge beams subjected to controlled truck traffic 497
Download as PDF Article: Life estimate of fatigue sensitive structures 511
Download as PDF Article: Kabel mit hoher Ermüdungsfestigkeit für Hängebrücken 519
Download as PDF Article: The behaviour of steel beams under slow repeated loading 525
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIe: Plastic design with reference to high tensile steels and modern methods of connection 537
Download as PDF Article: Das Tragverhalten statisch unbestimmter Systeme aus hochfestem Baustahl 537
Download as PDF Article: Extension du calcul en plasticité à l'acier A 52 553
Download as PDF Article: High strength bolted connections with applications to plastic design 565
Download as PDF Rubrique: III: Special constructions for steel bridges 577
Download as PDF Article: Generalbericht 577
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIa: Curved-bridges and skew-bridges 607
Download as PDF Article: Zur Einspannwirkung der Lagerung bei schiefen Brücken 607
Download as PDF Article: Schiefe und gekrümmte Hohlkasten in Theorie und Versuch 615
Download as PDF Article: Die Pillerseeachbrücke der Österreichischen Bundesbahnen 625
Download as PDF Article: Pont courbe considéré comme une poutre à axe brisé 637
Download as PDF Article: Space frame action and load distribution in skew bridges 647
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIb: Elevated roadways 657
Download as PDF Article: Betrachtungen zu verschiedenen Problemen der Verbundbauweise (Hochstrassen) 657
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIc: Prestressed steel bridges 669
Download as PDF Article: La précontrainte dans le renforcement des ponts métalliques de la S.N.C.F. 669
Download as PDF Article: Experimental study on composite beams prestressed with wire cables 677
Download as PDF Article: Vorgespannte Stahlkonstruktionen und Stahlbrücken 685
Download as PDF Article: Control of prestress in steel structures 697
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIId: Light weight decks 709
Download as PDF Article: Beitrag zur Berechnung von orthotropen Platten 709
Download as PDF Article: Studies on the resistant behaviour of steel deck plates for bridges 715
Download as PDF Article: Roadway surfacings on steel and aluminium bridge decks: research and progress in Great Britain 725
Download as PDF Article: Platelages légers pour ponts-routes 735
Download as PDF Rubrique: Reinforced and prestressed concrete 747
Download as PDF Rubrique: IV: Special problems (shear, prestressing, prefabrication) 747
Download as PDF Article: Generalbericht 747
Download as PDF Rubrique: IVa: Shear strength (including influence of stirrups on bond, anchorage and shear; influence of shrinkage and temperature) 761
Download as PDF Article: Critical appraisal of the moment-shear-ratio 761
Download as PDF Article: Beitrag zur Schubfestigkeit und Verankerung im Stahlbeton 777
Download as PDF Article: Shear strength of continuous reinforced and prestressed concrete beams 787
Download as PDF Article: Shear connections for composite prestressed beams 797
Download as PDF Article: Schubsicherheit schwindender Spannbetonbalken 803
Download as PDF Rubrique: IVb: Design and erection of prefabricated structures 811
Download as PDF Article: Survey report 811
Download as PDF Article: Montage-Methoden für Stahlbetonbrücken aus Fertigteilen in der UdSSR 823
Download as PDF Article: Concrete element joints for immediate load transference 831
Download as PDF Article: Neue Stossverbindung von Stahlbetonfertigteilstützen 837
Download as PDF Article: Montagegenauigkeit beim Bauen mit Stahlbetonelementen 847
Download as PDF Rubrique: V: Behaviour of structures 857
Download as PDF Article: General report 857
Download as PDF Rubrique: Va: Behaviour of structures with regard to temperature, humidity and time (e.g. deflection and collapse under longtime loading) 887
Download as PDF Article: Die Berechnung des Kriechens und Schwindens nicht homogener Betonkonstruktionen 887
Download as PDF Article: Berechnung der Stahlbetonbrücken mit Rücksicht auf die Langzeitvorgänge 899
Download as PDF Article: Time-dependent effects in compressed bound elements 907
Download as PDF Article: Dauerstandversuche mit Stahlbetonbalken 915
Download as PDF Article: Behaviour of four prestressed concrete platform roofs between 1955 and 1963 923
Download as PDF Article: Langzeitmessungen von Kriechen und Schwinden 933
Download as PDF Article: Das Verhalten der Syratalbrücke in Plauen i.V. seit ihrer Erbauung 941
Download as PDF Rubrique: Vb: Experience from tests of structures beyond elastic limits 951
Download as PDF Article: Essais de poutres en béton armé en phase plastique 951
Download as PDF Article: Verhalten plastischer Gelenke in Stahlbetonbalken 963
Download as PDF Article: Bruchversuche und Messungen mit vorfabrizierten Spannbetonbalken von 15,70 m Spannweite 971
Download as PDF Article: Inelastic behaviour of reinforced and prestressed concrete beams under combined bending and torsion 981
Download as PDF Article: Essais sur dalles obliques en béton armé 993
Download as PDF Rubrique: Vc: Corrosion of reinforcing steels and resulting damage 1001
Download as PDF Article: Résumé du rapport général d'enquête sur la corrosion des armatures des ouvrages en béton armé et des armatures de précontrainte 1001
Download as PDF Rubrique: Special problems 1013
Download as PDF Rubrique: VI: Structural details in highway bridges 1013
Download as PDF Article: Rapport général 1013
Download as PDF Rubrique: VIa: Expansion joints in the bridge deck 1029
Download as PDF Article: Survey of expansion joints and bearings in Britain 1029
Download as PDF Article: L'expérience des joints de chaussée dans les ponts-routes français 1041
Download as PDF Article: Dehnungsfugen in Brückenfahrbahnen 1055
Download as PDF Article: Der wasserdichte elastische Fahrbahnübergang 1061
Download as PDF Rubrique: VIb: Sealing and drainage of bridge decks 1071
Download as PDF Article: L'étanchéité et l'évacuation des eaux pluviales dans les ponts-routes français 1071
Download as PDF Article: Bitumenisolierungen nach dem "Flämmverfahren" 1079
Download as PDF Rubrique: VIc: Protection of users and structural parts against traffic accidents 1081
Download as PDF Article: Sicherung von Verkehrsteilnehmern und Konstruktionsteilen bei Verkehrsunfällen im Bereich von Bauwerken 1081
Download as PDF Article: Sicherung gegen Verkehrsunfälle 1093
Download as PDF Article: Vehicle guard rails for roads and bridges 1097
Download as PDF Partie (1964): Preliminary publication: separate volume I
Download as PDF Pages liminaires I
Download as PDF Préface III
Download as PDF Table des matières IX
Download as PDF Rubrique: International survey of structural precast concrete 1
Download as PDF Article: La préfabrication des ouvrages en béton armé en Belgique 1
Download as PDF Article: Bericht über Fragen des Entwurfes und der Montage vorgefertigter Bauten in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 13
Download as PDF Article: Le béton armé ou précontraint et la préfabrication lourde en France 33
Download as PDF Article: Recent developments in structural precast concrete in Great Britain 73
Download as PDF Article: Prefabricated concrete structures in the Netherlands 91
Download as PDF Article: Neueste Ergebnisse der Vorfertigung von Stahlbetonkonstruktionen in Ungarn 131
Download as PDF Article: Structural prefabrication in reinforced concrete and hollow brick in Italy 151
Download as PDF Article: La préfabrication d'éléments structuraux en Espagne 173
Download as PDF Article: The precast concrete and lightweight concrete element industry in Sweden 185
Download as PDF Article: Der Stand der Vorfabrikations-Technik in der Schweiz 205
Download as PDF Article: Prefabricated concrete building construction in the United States 217
Download as PDF Article: Classifications (and recommendations) for prefabricated structures 231
Download as PDF Partie (1965): Final report I
Download as PDF Pages liminaires I
Download as PDF Préface III
Download as PDF Index: List of authors IX
Download as PDF Table des matières XI
Download as PDF Rubrique: General questions 1
Download as PDF Rubrique: I: New trends in the methods of calculation 1
Download as PDF Article: General report 2
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ia: The mathematical formulation of structural problems for the use of electronic computers 35
Download as PDF Article: Résolution et programmation des structures formées de poutres croisées 35
Download as PDF Article: Coques prismatiques 43
Download as PDF Article: Supplement: A generalised method of analysis of elastic plane frames 51
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ib: Function and use of model tests 59
Download as PDF Article: The aid of models in the analysis of the behavior of structures within and beyond the elastic range 59
Download as PDF Article: Dynamic structural studies on models 63
Download as PDF Article: The use of model tests in bridge analysis 69
Download as PDF Article: Diskussion: theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung eines unsymmetrischen Kastenträgers mit zwei Flanschen (R. Dziewolski) 79
Download as PDF Article: Research on shells by means of model tests 85
Download as PDF Article: Aerodynamische Modellversuche beim Donauturm Wien 91
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ic: The notion of safety and its role in the calculation and design of structures with particular reference to the effect of plastic deformations on the distribution of forces and moments 95
Download as PDF Article: Calcul probabiliste des constructions métalliques: orientations nouvelles sur le plan européen 95
Download as PDF Article: Réflexions sur une doctrine générale de calcul des constructions métalliques 101
Download as PDF Article: Discussion: safety, economy and rationality in structural design (N.C. Lind, C.J. Turkstra, D.T. Wright) 109
Download as PDF Article: Discussion: generalised approximate method of assessing the effect of deformations on failure loads (M.R. Horne) 117
Download as PDF Article: Remarques relatives au problème de la sécurité des constructions 123
Download as PDF Rubrique: Id: Special applications (e.g. calculation of space structures) 129
Download as PDF Article: Matrix analysis 129
Download as PDF Article: Structural analysis of space frames supporting solid parabolic reflectors 133
Download as PDF Rubrique: Metal structures 137
Download as PDF Rubrique: II: Structural steels, means of connection 137
Download as PDF Article: Rapport général 137
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIa: High tensile steels and their fabrication 161
Download as PDF Article: Utilisation d'aciers à baute résistance dans deux ouvrages suisses 161
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIb: Friction-grip-bolts (high strength bolts) 171
Download as PDF Article: Supplement: studies on the application of high-strength bolted joints to bridges 171
Download as PDF Article: Diskussion: HV-Schrauben 173
Download as PDF Article: High strength bolting in the U.S.A. 183
Download as PDF Article: Discussion: friction-grip-bolts (high strength bolts) 191
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIc: Welding and gluing 193
Download as PDF Article: Diskussion: Schweissen und Kleben 193
Download as PDF Rubrique: IId: Fatigue life of structural members 199
Download as PDF Article: Discussion: fatigue life of structural members 199
Download as PDF Article: Diskussion: Dauerfestigkeit von Brückenträgern für Testlastenzüge (John W. Fisher, Ivan M. Viest) 203
Download as PDF Article: Zwei Probleme der Ermüdungsfestigkeit 209
Download as PDF Article: Discussion: fatigue life of structural members 213
Download as PDF Article: Discussion: fatigue life of structural members 215
Download as PDF Article: A counter for the investigation of plasticity and fatigue in metals 219
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIe: Plastic design with reference to high tensile steels and modern methods of connection 225
Download as PDF Article: Complément: extension des méthodes de calcul basées sur la plasticité à l'acier A 52 225
Download as PDF Rubrique: III: Special constructions for steel bridges 235
Download as PDF Article: Generalbericht 235
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIa: Curved-bridges and skew-bridges 257
Download as PDF Article: Beitrag zur Spannungsermittlung in schiefen und gekrümmten Brücken 257
Download as PDF Article: Discussion: curved-bridges and skew-bridges 267
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIb: Elevated roadways 269
Download as PDF Article: Elevated freeway structures in the U.S.A. 269
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIc: Prestressed steel bridges 275
Download as PDF Article: Einige Gesichtspunkte der Vorspannung von Stahlbrücken 275
Download as PDF Article: Prestressed steel girders 281
Download as PDF Article: Prestressing steel girder bridges 291
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIId: Light weight decks 295
Download as PDF Article: Elektronische Berechnung von Brücken mit orthotroper Fahrbahnplatte 295
Download as PDF Article: Die Stahlflachstrasse: eine Sonderkonstruktion an deutschen Autobahnstellen 301
Download as PDF Rubrique: Reinforced and prestressed concrete 311
Download as PDF Rubrique: IV: Special problems (shear, prestressing, prefabrication) 311
Download as PDF Article: Generalbericht 311
Download as PDF Rubrique: IVa: Shear strength (including influence of stirrups on bond, anchorage and shear; influence of shrinkage and temperature 323
Download as PDF Article: On the reduction of shear reinforcement as derived from the Stuttgart shear tests 1961 - 1963 323
Download as PDF Article: Discussion of some papers of the preliminary report 347
Download as PDF Article: Über eine Erweiterung der Mörschschen Fachwerkanalogie 353
Download as PDF Article: A theory for the combined action of bending moment and shear in reinforced and prestressed concrete beams 371
Download as PDF Article: Supplement: shear strength of continuous reinforced and prestressed concrete beams 379
Download as PDF Article: Anchorage of beams reinforcement shortened according to the moment distribution curve 383
Download as PDF Article: Premiers essais sur les aciers de couture 393
Download as PDF Rubrique: IVb: Design and erection of prefabricated structures 399
Download as PDF Article: Recent developments in structural precast concrete in Great Britain 399
Download as PDF Article: Montage durchlaufender Stahlbetonbrücken aus Fertigteilen 405
Download as PDF Article: Vorfertigung kleiner Strassenbrücken 411
Download as PDF Article: Development of a jointing technique for precast columns 417
Download as PDF Article: La Silicalcite: caractéristiques et possibilités d'emploi de ce matériau 425
Download as PDF Rubrique: V: Behaviour of structures 429
Download as PDF Article: General report 429
Download as PDF Rubrique: Vb: Experience from tests of structures beyond elastic limits 435
Download as PDF Article: Verhalten plastischer Gelenke in Stahlbetonsäulen 435
Download as PDF Rubrique: Vc: Corrosion of reinforcing steels and resulting damage 443
Download as PDF Article: Korrosion von Bewehrungsstählen und daraus folgende Schäden 443
Download as PDF Article: Galvanized steel reinforcement in concrete 449
Download as PDF Rubrique: Special problems 459
Download as PDF Rubrique: VI: Structural details in highway bridges 459
Download as PDF Article: Rapport général 459
Download as PDF Rubrique: VIa: Expansion joints in the bridge deck 465
Download as PDF Article: Nouveaux types de joints de chaussée utilisant des caoutchoucs artificiels 465
Download as PDF Article: Gelenke aus Stahlbeton 479